domenica 2 settembre 2012

As a consideration can help you win the lottery

There are statements that are truly enlightening, I found one in particular I want to share with you.

Think about this for a minute:

"The money is simply energy that reflects their own thoughts."

It makes perfect sense, does not it? We are what we think. Some clever writers have linked this principle in books like "The Secret". And, of course, Norman Vincent Peale "The Power of Positive Thinking" is a classic.

I usually ignored the popular thinking of this kind of mind control simplified. It seems a bit too 'new era' for my taste. But I must admit, it really works. You see, what this intelligent comment on the money and energy is really saying is this ...

You are your thoughts.

Put another way - that is the sum of your thoughts. There's nothing crazy. It 'a fact ... coherent, focused desire to get what you want.

I have shown that from time to time, and I am the most practical, sensible-to-the-point-of-boring person a little out there. Everything I see around me, home, car, luxury, and a happy life fulfillment ... was achieved through this kind of optimism in focus.

I will tell you how. Every day, whenever you can, for example, this simple motivational phrase to yourself out loud:

"I earn $ ------ a year, in a simple and consistent."

(This is to increase your income. I'll have to how it can work for the lottery soon).

The amount can be anything. You work what you want and use that figure. It could be $ 50k ... could be one million.

Just say the affirmation 50 times a day, or more.

- Say it 5 times in the morning.

- Tell 10 times before breakfast.

- Acting on your way to work.

- Mouth in silence while you work.

- Spending a few minutes while maintaining breaks in your words alive.

- Instead of listening to music on the way home, say your affirmation.

- Repeat when things go wrong.

- Take a break before going to sleep and repeat again 10 times.

Now, the universe does not fall into his lap as if by magic. That's not how it works. What this statement does nothing but increase the sensitivity to your goals.

Remember when you bought a car - then kept seeing the same pattern all over the place - when the first has never appeared anywhere? It 's so ... the mind is awakened to new possibilities. You do not have to do is keep the statement in front of everything you do.

But winning the lottery is not so predictable!

There is an element of luck that even the best winning lottery system can not control.

So how can your claim will give you more wins - or more big wins?

Like this. By unconsciously allows you to increase your involvement in your goal. You see, if you keep a goal in the forefront of your conscious mind will very quickly affect everything you do. Then - even when you're not thinking about it - you subconsciously work to your advantage.

And 'the eureka moment all over again. The answer comes when you least expect it.

Now, when you apply your statement to win lotto, you'll soon notice these things:

- We will play more games. Because when you increase exposure to the opportunities winning, you start to win more easily and consistently.

- It will increase the number of tickets are taken. To increase your chances of winning even more multiplying opportunities.

It is an instrument of magic charm, your assertion. I have proven that it works, and here's the proof:

Remember the famous cliché: "Be careful what you wish for ..."

This is because for anyone that follows, the statement ends like this ... "... It can get!"

Learn how to win the lottery with the fast 1-minute set-up, double silver guaranteed Lotto System.

Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games

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