lunedì 24 settembre 2012
giovedì 20 settembre 2012
THE SECRET: How to win big while I feed my dog?
Here's what he started:
"Ken, why did you get all of these winning tickets every week and I do not? What is your secret, you have one other than your system?'m Playing 10 tickets every week and get one or two wins (one was $ 370 A month back), but nowere near yours? I'd really like to write and tell me. Strat. "
It 's really simple.
For those of you old enough to remember back in the good ol days' of the interweb, it was a way of saying that I probably started.
It means that they use what they produce. The test on themselves.
Same thing with me. I always use my system.
And exactly the way I tell you to use it.
- Play as many tickets as I can afford.
- I play every week.
I am fortunate to be able to buy a lot of tickets each game. And the chance to play every game without having to budget.
In short, I'm doing what I recommend that you should make my Silver Lotto System.
Because clear-work!
Now, from a minimum of 10 tickets work. I have known many players to win prizes with good numbers small, because my Silver Lotto System has been designed to take full advantage of all the opportunities the little lottery game.
But we all want stuff fast. We are all in a hurry. And the only way to do that is to speed up their responses.
Play more often.
Make it better by adding first the Lotto-80 system so as not to waste the tickets on the wrong time.
So you can get a custom profile PRO so you can play the games that the Lotto-80 system says are not aware of that week. Make every count week.
Now go get the can opener and start eating!
Won: $ 400.00, $ 300.00, $ 75.00, $ 50.00, $ 10.00, $ 5.00, $ 3.00, not once but many times ... I won Powerball every week for four months. It 'was a great feeling ... the system works. Thank you.
Michael A. (Burn ***** @
Get started now!
1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to start.
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive.
3. Get the PRO custom profiles to help you get the most out of every game.
If you liked this article, please share it! Use the links Share this article below.
Every few days of this blog I release 3 games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site with over 153 games all over the world. These have the highest probability (50% or more) of winning this week when used with the Silver Lotto System.
For the week ending 23 September 2012:
Singapore Toto
Florida Lotto
* NOTE: Many of these games play several times a week. Become a member of Lotto-80 and get unlimited access to all games all the time for just $ 7.80 per month (25c a day) here:
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
domenica 16 settembre 2012
Killer Content
All the buzz going around about Killer Content is there for a reason and the program is definitely living up to all the hype.
Killer Content is getting ready to go viral in a big way, believe me.
To say this is a full featured program for creating an online presence that will dominate any niche you are is an understatement and does a disservice to the program.
For the first time someone (Socrates Socratous the creator) has compiled an unimaginable amount of extremely high quality content and married it to a “thing” that is hard to describe. It is a data management program, but that sounds too complicated and if I call it a word processor that sounds too simple.
Whatever title you want to give this program is up to you, but it is the most powerful tool to search and manipulate data a marketer will ever need while at the same time it is as simple as editing a document.
Let me walk you this to give you an idea what I am talking about.
You create a project; this is as simple as clicking on the word “new project” and typing in the name of your new project.
Then you search the list of only God knows how many super high quality articles. You don’t just search this list randomly, although you can if you want. You search this list by Keyword. Yes, you type in the exact keyword or phrase you want and the filter will generate a data base of thousands of articles with your specific keyword.
When you open an article you can edit and change the article any way you want, right there like you were on your favorite word processor. With a click of a button you can even “spin” the article right from the same screen with a very powerful spinning program. When you get the article the way you want it then you just save it to your project.
Then you just repeat the process over and over until you have as much content as you want in the project you created.
Now you go to your project to complete the process. You can auto-post your content directly to your blog. The auto-post program lets you control every aspect of how the content will hit your blog. You can set times and dates for each article to hit or you can just send them out all at once the choice is yours, but to just have a choice at all is something amazing.
Just because you are posting your content doesn’t mean the fun will stop there, you can generate an ebook in pdf format directly from your project window with a single click of a button.
Click, BOOM! An instant ebook with chapters arranged in the order of the article numbers in your project. Once again, you have full control over the look, feel and layout of the book and it is less complicated than a word processor.
Like I said, I don’t know what kind of a title you would give a program like Killer Content, but if I ever meet Socrates I want to shake his hand. I highly recommend this system.
sabato 15 settembre 2012
How to win the lottery? Excitation winning the 3 steps
Even winning small prizes like this Georgia Lottery winner is part of a goal. Photo |
There 'people and' jealous of people who always know what they want to know? Always have a goal, I'm always doing something interesting.
They are quite rare. A lot of people have no idea where they are going in life.
How can I say? After all, you've read all my personal stuff in these places and you know a lot more about me than I you.
Well, here's how ...
Why are you reading this article. And you might get a bit 'of my products.
So I can say that your goal is to win the lottery.
See how simple it was?
All I want to do is win the lottery.
So your goal is to win all set to go. You might have other goals, and that's fine.
Because you can have goals to spend your winnings, but is not the same to get the first goal resolved.
This is to win a big lottery prize.
OK, now that you know your goal, how can you achieve it?
With the simple instructions that I told you about in many previous articles:
# 1. Choose your game and stick to it. When you flit from game to game, the concentration is lost. This makes you less effective. Choose the best game for you, and play constantly.
# 2. Be sure to use all available resources to win. For example, if you want to count every week, you need my supercheap Lotto-80 System:
# 3. Keep on playing! This is part of my ... RFA policy Relentless targeted action - that will show through when the awards do not seem to be in place. Remember, despite the advantage that my system Silver Lotto gives you, the lottery is still a game of chance. No one can predict when you win. You need to keep shooting regardless.
I bought your system a couple of years ago ... Since then computer crashed, new computer, changed internet carriers, etc, etc. Anyway still kept trying the system and 2 weeks ago won 2nd division powerball $ 100,000.00.
Thank you, Phil F.
Here's how to start your change:
1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to start.
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive.
3. Get the PRO custom profiles to help you get the most out of every game.
If you liked this article, please share it! Use the links Share this article below.
Every few days of this blog I release 3 games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site with over 153 games all over the world. These have the highest probability (50% or more) of winning this week when used with the Silver Lotto System.
For the week ending 16 September 2012:
USA Wisconsin Megabucks
USA Hoosier Lotto
USA Florida Lotto
* NOTE: Many of these games play several times a week. Become a member of Lotto-80 and get unlimited access to all games all the time for just $ 7.80 per month (25c a day) here:
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
mercoledì 12 settembre 2012
My personal confession sickbed
I have a confession to make.
I was very sick in the last 10 days ... an intestinal virus taken abroad. I do not know - I am demanding the highest degree and as healthy as a dog.
But it happened, and I was placed in solid bed.
And worse, I lost all motivation to write. This is why you will see gaps in my daily articles and newsletters.
For my trip I prewrote for 5 days away, so this newsletter and blog kept sailing merrily on without me.
But here's the strange thing ...
While I was sick, I went on to win raffle prizes!
All I had to do was get tickets at the store, and the awards flowed in.
It 'was the closest thing to an automatic munnymaker I've ever seen.
Now, I do not list the amounts more, because they are not that great ... one thousand here and there.
But it shows how effective the Silver Lotto System is for the production of wins without lifting a finger.
Imagine if you had to work for a living. You'd call in sick.
After a while, 'you'd run out of sick leave, and maybe your insurance covers only a percentage of the weekly wage.
Then the money ran out and there is a problem.
Now, the lottery is not really a form of income, as we all know.
What could be better?
Have an income that continues. My company has not suffered at all.
The ideal is a small business like mine that continues to move automatically when you are sick or want to take a vacation, or just get away for a few days.
This is why I developed the Lotto Minisite.
It 's the landing page that just drives people along the Silver Lotto System. And why bring your personal link commission, you get a whopping 75% of all sales it generates.
So, how do you get people to this page?
- Start a blog about something you're interested in.
- Use the URL at the bottom of everything you do, from commenting on other blogs to e-mail messages.
- Write articles on your interests and send them to article directories. Yes, that works even better today.
- Include information in the pages of Facebook and social media.
Meanwhile your Lotto Minisite is there, attracting traffic month after month.
The sales come from a combination of sources ... not just one. So you get everything from different sources to build traffic.
Take a look at Lot Mini-site here:
Hello Ken;
I followed your advice ... I won $ 100,000.00! my second attempt. The system works and suggestions are very important to follow. I am continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll write again when I do. Thanks to a system that works.
Regards, Ron
If you liked this article, please share it! Use the links Share this article below.
Every few days of this blog I release 3 games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site with over 153 games all over the world. These have the highest probability (50% or more) of winning this week when used with the Silver Lotto System.
For the week ending 16 September 2012:
Singapore Toto
UK National Lottery
Mega Millions USA
* NOTE: Many of these games play several times a week. Become a member of Lotto-80 and get unlimited access to all games all the time for just $ 7.80 per month (25c a day) here:
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
domenica 9 settembre 2012
Istant Money Network
IMN in partnership with Instant Rewards, a leading marketing company, has created this ground-breaking system
to help our marketers promote top companies and earn high commissions. IMN helps make marketing easier and
simpler to navigate Netflix, Blockbuster, DirecTV, Profinity Walmart, Gamefly and several other major
corporations are all represented through Instant Rewards. Instant Rewards pays out daily, directly through the
options of PayPal or direct bank transfer.
Now, you can get started TODAY and start earning money in a few hours.
Let'go to link --->
Here Awkward 3 Lottery Win: Here are the answers for you
![]() |
Iowa Lottery |
There are really embarrassing questions to which I can not answer.
Others are easily answered ... "How many times should I play every week?" And ... "What is the best game to play?"
Also ... "How can I improve my game?"
Those who along with several "where are my" questions are answered in my section HELP.
Here are three of the most popular. The hard time I will reveal soon:
"Ken, it's your $ 7 per month Lotto-80 System really going to help me win? Seems too cheap to do good." Anthony.
The answer is obviously yes, otherwise I would have done something different with my life.
Fiona also confirms this:
I won $ 100,000 using your Silver Lotto System and the clever Lotto-80. Its been the biggest amount I've won since I bought your system a couple of years ago, but I've never paid more than $ 1,000 so it was a real surprise.
Fiona.B. (Fio ******** @
Now, I do not know when it will help you win ... nobody knows. No one can predict the winning numbers of the jackpot is.
But my Lotto-80 system bumps your chances of winning like crazy. And when you use it with my custom profiles PRO, jumping to an astonishing advantage of 98% of the shares.
Here's why ...
Let's say that was $ 20 per week to play lot more than a month. And because of the unpredictability of the numbers, let's just 1 week of the month gave the winning model that meets your Silver Lotto System numbers.
The other three weeks are really a big miss. Playing those would be throwing away your dollars.
Unless - you have a method that has found good weeks and bad with the right combination of numbers. Invest $ 7.80 per month with the System-80 Lot of using all those four weeks is the most effective way to go.
"Hello Ken, OK you convinced me, I will buy your program and sell too. Where can I find this information and help me?'m A beginner and do not know much." Grant T.
The people I'm trying to sell the Silver Lotto System are honest, hardworking and enthusiastic. As long as you are willing to put a little 'effort, I'll help you 100%. And really, it's fun to do this stuff and see the flow of sales per hour.
You do not need to know much to start 'cause it's what I do - I will steer you in the right direction and tell you what to do in a step-by-step way. I'm always trying to make it simple and easy, so every week you get better at this.
If you own a product Silver Lotto, you're eligible. Click to Lotto Affiliate Center and involved in the easiest way to build a business that I know.
"Hey Ken, I hope you're not going to take this away from me - Finders Keepers and all the rest - but when I signed up for the system-80 Lot for six months have given me an extra month is going Are.? Have going to charge me more? Let's face it solved. "Tom W.
Tom, what you have is one of my many surprise prizes. At this time every Lotto-80 membership registration or renewal get an additional month free.
You still get charged automatically at the next renewal of six months, but the extra month / s carries over as a bonus for you. You will never have to pay extra for them.
And the question most embarrassing?
"When I win the jackpot?" Nobody knows, too. But here is the sequence to start winning with my system:
1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to start.
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive.
3. Get the PRO custom profiles to help you get the most out of every game.
If you liked this article, please share it! Use the links Share this article below.
Every day on this blog I release 3 games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site for more than 153 games worldwide. These have the highest probability (50% or more) of winning this week when used with the Silver Lotto System.
For the week ending August 5, 2012:
Italian Lotto
Western Canada 649
Ireland Lotto
* NOTE: Many of these games play several times a week. Become a member of Lotto-80 and get unlimited access to all games all the time for just $ 7.80 per month (25c a day) here:
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
lunedì 3 settembre 2012
How to improve the chance 'to win the lottery using the best tactic
A couple of weeks ago I spent 3 days in Thailand. It 'been a standard procedure of cosmetics that Thais do so well.
And the first day I had the afternoon off before the operation the next day.
So I booked a private car, a guide and a driver, and we all went to see some elephants and crocodiles an hour away in Samphran.
It 'was a great show, but one thing caught my attention on the way out of the park.
A set of traffic lights.
This is a Stock Photo - one who buys through an agency. And I liked at the time, because he has shown my article here very well.
But I was not aware of where and why a giant cluster of lights could be in one place. Must be a huge road link ... I would not want to be driving around the streets.
It 'came out it was not on a road, after all - but in a park. My park!
The coincidence was even more surprising that elephants with precision kicking soccer balls into a goal.
Now, what are the chances of finding those lights I sit at home?
Rather remote. I had to get out of there - halfway around the world in my case.
And 'exactly the same with winning the lottery.
The more you increase more ... play more games and buy more tickets ... the better your chances of winning. When done, the events that looks amazing will become commonplace.
It seems like a simple formula, but it is a main part of how the system works. To win more, play more.
You need to increase your range of games and tickets in order to improve your chances of winning.
So what was the cosmetic procedure I went for? I'm afraid it will be a secret between me and the gatepost!
WINNER - $ 3.2 million!
Dear Ken,
Last Saturday, I was one of the lucky winners - we shared the big jackpot. 6 provisional winners of $ 537396.59 each (Total $ 3,224,379.00) and we are one of the 6.
Regards, M. Maher
Start your journey successful:
1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to start.
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive.
3. Get the PRO custom profiles to help you get the most out of every game.
If you liked this article, please share it! Use the links Share this article below.
Every day on this blog I release 3 games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site for more than 153 games worldwide. These have the highest probability (50% or more) of winning this week when used with the Silver Lotto System.
For the week ending Sept. 2, 2012:
UK National Lottery
Colorado Lotto
Florida Lotto
* NOTE: Many of these games play several times a week. Become a member of Lotto-80 and get unlimited access to all games all the time for just $ 7.80 per month (25c a day) here:
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
Silver Lotto system - What winner strategy?
There are many lottery players who think a good strategy to combine with a good system
While the win rate can be as high as 98% with a lottery system, there are ways you can increase the amount of prizes or jackpots you receive in that last 2%.
One of the most effective ways is selecting the right day to play.
If you choose a day where fewer players take part, that means you will share any prizes among a smaller number of winners. That gives you a bigger slice of pie.
It's not uncommon to see a major jackpot being shared between several winners. And that can be pretty devastating when your $20 million potential win becomes just $5 million because it is shared among other winners.
One of the ways you can avoid this is by choosing a play day with a low number of participants.
If your lottery game has a selection of draw days in the week, say Wednesday and Saturday, you often find one of these days is less popular for ticket sales.
And the obvious way to find this out is to march down to your lottery store, and in the course of a casual conversation ask the staff what days are the most popular for your game.
They are likely to know more about big attendances in their store than the small ones which are harder to judge, and if you have asked right, they'll gladly open up with the details.
Armed with that knowledge, you simply buy on the less popular draw days.
Fewer players means fewer winners.
And that means more of the winning share for you!
Learn how to win the lottery in 9 out of every 10 games or more with Ken Silver's guaranteed Silver Lotto System: Then increase your wealth with the world's #1 affiliate opportunity:
Carmine Masciola studies the secrets of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system that win 9 out of every 10 games:
While the win rate can be as high as 98% with a lottery system, there are ways you can increase the amount of prizes or jackpots you receive in that last 2%.
One of the most effective ways is selecting the right day to play.
If you choose a day where fewer players take part, that means you will share any prizes among a smaller number of winners. That gives you a bigger slice of pie.
It's not uncommon to see a major jackpot being shared between several winners. And that can be pretty devastating when your $20 million potential win becomes just $5 million because it is shared among other winners.
One of the ways you can avoid this is by choosing a play day with a low number of participants.
If your lottery game has a selection of draw days in the week, say Wednesday and Saturday, you often find one of these days is less popular for ticket sales.
And the obvious way to find this out is to march down to your lottery store, and in the course of a casual conversation ask the staff what days are the most popular for your game.
They are likely to know more about big attendances in their store than the small ones which are harder to judge, and if you have asked right, they'll gladly open up with the details.
Armed with that knowledge, you simply buy on the less popular draw days.
Fewer players means fewer winners.
And that means more of the winning share for you!
Learn how to win the lottery in 9 out of every 10 games or more with Ken Silver's guaranteed Silver Lotto System: Then increase your wealth with the world's #1 affiliate opportunity:
Carmine Masciola studies the secrets of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system that win 9 out of every 10 games:
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domenica 2 settembre 2012
As a consideration can help you win the lottery
There are statements that are truly enlightening, I found one in particular I want to share with you.
Think about this for a minute:
"The money is simply energy that reflects their own thoughts."
It makes perfect sense, does not it? We are what we think. Some clever writers have linked this principle in books like "The Secret". And, of course, Norman Vincent Peale "The Power of Positive Thinking" is a classic.
I usually ignored the popular thinking of this kind of mind control simplified. It seems a bit too 'new era' for my taste. But I must admit, it really works. You see, what this intelligent comment on the money and energy is really saying is this ...
You are your thoughts.
Put another way - that is the sum of your thoughts. There's nothing crazy. It 'a fact ... coherent, focused desire to get what you want.
I have shown that from time to time, and I am the most practical, sensible-to-the-point-of-boring person a little out there. Everything I see around me, home, car, luxury, and a happy life fulfillment ... was achieved through this kind of optimism in focus.
I will tell you how. Every day, whenever you can, for example, this simple motivational phrase to yourself out loud:
"I earn $ ------ a year, in a simple and consistent."
(This is to increase your income. I'll have to how it can work for the lottery soon).
The amount can be anything. You work what you want and use that figure. It could be $ 50k ... could be one million.
Just say the affirmation 50 times a day, or more.
- Say it 5 times in the morning.
- Tell 10 times before breakfast.
- Acting on your way to work.
- Mouth in silence while you work.
- Spending a few minutes while maintaining breaks in your words alive.
- Instead of listening to music on the way home, say your affirmation.
- Repeat when things go wrong.
- Take a break before going to sleep and repeat again 10 times.
Now, the universe does not fall into his lap as if by magic. That's not how it works. What this statement does nothing but increase the sensitivity to your goals.
Remember when you bought a car - then kept seeing the same pattern all over the place - when the first has never appeared anywhere? It 's so ... the mind is awakened to new possibilities. You do not have to do is keep the statement in front of everything you do.
But winning the lottery is not so predictable!
There is an element of luck that even the best winning lottery system can not control.
So how can your claim will give you more wins - or more big wins?
Like this. By unconsciously allows you to increase your involvement in your goal. You see, if you keep a goal in the forefront of your conscious mind will very quickly affect everything you do. Then - even when you're not thinking about it - you subconsciously work to your advantage.
And 'the eureka moment all over again. The answer comes when you least expect it.
Now, when you apply your statement to win lotto, you'll soon notice these things:
- We will play more games. Because when you increase exposure to the opportunities winning, you start to win more easily and consistently.
- It will increase the number of tickets are taken. To increase your chances of winning even more multiplying opportunities.
It is an instrument of magic charm, your assertion. I have proven that it works, and here's the proof:
Remember the famous cliché: "Be careful what you wish for ..."
This is because for anyone that follows, the statement ends like this ... "... It can get!"
Learn how to win the lottery with the fast 1-minute set-up, double silver guaranteed Lotto System.
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
Want to test your dreams, here's how you motivate people
I've been writing for a long time about how to turn dreams into reality. Well, this article reminded me perfectly about how that happens.
So here's the connection...
See that Aston Martin above on my Silver Lotto System website? I'll tell you how I got it.
But first, here's the post that started it all off:
Isn't it funny how some particular events trigger you to do something?
In my case, I'm talking about an ebook I bought yesterday on making an internet fortune... all because of a fancy car.
As I've said to you many times before, I'm a car nut. I love exotic automobiles, and with the help of lotto I have a couple in my garage.automobiles, and with the
help of lotto I have a couple in my garage.
So when I saw this old guy had bought an Aston Martin DB9 from his profits on the internet, my ears pricked up. That's him and the car in the photo.
For those of you who don't follow the exotic supercar market, this particular model is one of the most desired sports car in the world. It's on my wishlist.
And it's expensive.
So he must be making a good deal of money. As it turned out, in one week he had made $36,000... almost better than lotto!
But it was his car that made me click on the "buy Now" button. After all, I reasoned that a person with such good taste would also have something good to say.
And I was right. It's an amazing way for anyone to make money off the internet without a website or very much skill. I learnt a lot.
I'm getting off the subject a little.
What I really wanted to talk about was how different forms of triggers get you started - and then keep you going at lotto. You need something to trigger you to buy the right system, then trigger you to keep you going.
In this old guy's case, for me - it was his Aston Martin.
For you, it could be seeing the hundreds of testimonies from my system's lotto winners that helps you to make the buying decision. That's your first trigger.
Then you need the persistence and patience to keep going until you eventually make that top winning slot.slot.
So re-reading the testimonials is a great idea to keep you enthused.
The article was just one of the many techniques I put into place to turn my dream into reality. And of course my own Aston Martin Vanquish landed on my doorstep just a couple of years later.
One of the best methods to accelerate your goals is to put the object in front of you wherever you go.
A picture is ideal. Carry it around in your wallet, or tuck it into your pocket and bring it out whenever you have the time.
Do this for winning the lottery too. Of course, you won't win the lottery directly as a result, but it will remind you to play often - which is one of the best ways to win using my system.
Frequency and persisting with the play is the best way to win often. But you can only do that if you have a goal in mind to keep your enthusiasm high.
I did it with the Aston Martin. Now, you follow through and see what results you can get!
Hi Ken;
I followed your advice... I WON $100,000.00!!!!!! on my second try. Your system works and your tips are very important to follow. I'm continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll write again when I do. Thanks for a system that works.
Regards, Ron
Here's my suggestion to get waht you want:
1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started.
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive.
3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from every game.
If you enjoyed this article, please share it! Use the Share Article links below.
Every day on this blog I release 3 games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site from over 153 games around the world. These have the highest chance (50% and more) of winning this week when used with the Silver Lotto System.
For week ending 22 July 2012:
Arizona The Pick
Illinois Lotto
Mega Millions
*NOTE: Many of these games play several times a week. Become a Lotto-80 member and get unlimited access to all games all the time for only $7.80 a month (25c a day) here:
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
How to choose a way to win the lottery
There are many people to play lottery in the world !! Let's take the USA, with a current population of 307 million. A recent survey showed that when the jackpot games are high, as many as 87% of the adult population take a ticket. That's up to 267 million who play! That is a lot of people who are playing lotto against you, and so you need some advantage.
Fortunately most of them have no idea how to select a ticket. They don't use a system... they pick numbers according to the weather, their birth dates, children's ages, on the diagonal of the ticket and more ways you simply wouldn't believe. But their sheer mass gives them a competitive edge. That's why it's important to use a successful lottery system to get a real head start... to get ahead of the crowd.
So if you really want to get ahead of the competition in lotto, how do you choose the best system? The answer is simple.
Proof of winning is the most powerful form of recommendation, and a good lottery system will have many.
And they don't have to be giant wins. In fact the probability of lottery players winning numerous high jackpots is statistically unlikely. So a website that has a large number of multimillion dollar winners should be suspect, and you need to check it out more thoroughly.
Ideally you will see a large number of testimonials from winners - from several hundred thousand dollars down to a few hundred dollars. And a good lottery system should be able to keep producing multiple wins.
Don't worry about guarantees. No lottery system will be able to guarantee you wins of any size or frequency. Make sure the testimonials are there, and get started!
Learn how to win the lottery fast with the 1-minute Silver Lotto System.
Ken Silver created the best-selling Silver Lotto System in 1991, and thousands of lottery winners in over 100 countries have proved they can win prizes in more than 8 out of every 10 games.
Join Ken's Lotto Affiliate Center and earn up to $243 per order from top-buying leads.
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
How to Win the Lotto - What you can 'learn from an experienced player and successful?
There are many people who are successful in life and others do not
In his recent book "Outliers: The Story of Success," author Malcolm Gladwell says it's simply down to practice.
And he's even found a time formula for the amount of practice anyone needs to do to be successful.
It's 10,000 hours.
Easy, isn't it?
All you have to do is practice your skills 40 hours a week, for 250 weeks.
Before you get upset at all the hours you need to play lottery games, be reassured this doesn't apply to winning lotto.
But it does mean something just as important.
Now, some lottery players don't need any practice at all. With the right system they can win almost immediately.
But what many often forget is they need to keep playing regularly, just like practice. I call it "play persistence."
Because every game you miss is a winning opportunity lost for ever.
In his autobiography, Chinese superstar pianist Lang Lang tells the story when he was a child of being late to lessons one day. His father was annoyed.
"You have lost two hours of time that you will never get back again!" said the father.
And that's the secret of not only Lang Lang's phenomenal success, but our own.
Play often, and never miss a game.
Time and opportunity lost can never be regained.
A friend of mine for many years found this out to his great loss.
His numbers came up just a few weeks ago, and his winning line in the Australian Tattslotto gave him a win of $1 million. The win would have solved all his problems and set him up for retirement.
Sadly he didn't play that game.
And I had to listen to his disappointment on the phone. It was a bitter blow for him.
Once you miss out on a game, the opportunity to win is gone forever.
And unless you play, you'll never know whether your numbers have the winning potential.
It only takes one line of numbers to bring you a fortune and completely change your life.
There's a reason the slogan for playing the lottery is "be in to win."
You need take part in each and every game - it is quite simply an essential step to win any lottery.
And you won't have to spend 10,000 hours to do it either!
Learn how to shortcut the time needed to win the lottery by using the 1-minute Silver Lotto System.
Ken Silver created this best-selling Silver Lotto System in 1991, and thousands of lottery winners in over 100 countries have proved they can win prizes in more than 9 out of every 10 games.
Join Ken's Lotto Affiliate Center and earn up to $243 per order from top-buying leads.
Carmine Masciola studies the secret of successful lottery play and has found a revealing system than wins 9 out of every 10 games
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