Making money online is a matter of finding an audience who you can either advertise to or receive direct payment from. Either way, you need something interesting or informative with which to catch and hold your readers' attention. Your content is everything.
I'll show you how you can make money presenting and distributing content via podcast or a newsletter, and how you can connect directly with your audience as an online tutor.
Getting Paid To Podcast
To create a podcast, you will need a microphone and some recording software. If you have a camera, you can also produce video podcasts.
You can download a free recording program from, where you will also find tutorials on the technical side of podcasting.
When you have the content and are able to produce good quality podcasts, you need listeners. You can find them by submitting your podcast to directories such as, promoting it through a website or blog, or advertising in forums and newsletters.
The bigger your market, the better. Don't be afraid of competitive markets, they're big for a reason--they pay and people are listening!
You will then be able to make money by finding a sponsor who is willing to pay to reach your listeners. You could find your own advertisers, or join a podcasting network such as
If your content is desirable enough, you can charge for access to it, through services such as iTunes ( If you are selling your podcast, however, it is a good idea to create a free content version too in order to reach new listeners.
How To Get Paid To Publish Online Newsletters
Even if you prefer the written word to audio podcasting, you will still need to take care of some technical details.
The best way to distribute newsletters is through an autoresponder list service. These can be set up to automatically deliver pre-written emails to subscribers at set intervals. Each new subscriber will receive all of the emails in your predetermined sequence. That means you can load up a year's worth of content (or more), and it'll automatically publish straight to your subscribers' email boxes without you touching it again!
A free autoresponder can be downloaded from, while a more professional program can be bought from These programs will also help with managing your subscriber list, so you stay spam compliant.
A successful newsletter will be attractive, easy to read, and compatible with different computers and internet browsers. You can create beautiful PDF documents using a free program such as
Also, you do not have to create all your own content. You can get free stock photos and articles from sites such as and You can also pay for pre-written content from sites like
Email newsletters are perfect for marketing your own products, if you are running an online business. You can also make money by selling space to advertisers or even charging for subscriptions.
By using the tools from services such as, you can grow your online newsletter list to hundreds or even thousands of people.
Get Paid To Teach People All Over the World
If you have knowledge and experience to share then you can do so in a podcast or newsletter, or by writing content for a site such as, who will pay for articles.
Alternatively, you can become an online tutor and communicate directly with students through video chat and email. You could find your own students by advertising your services on, or join a company who will pair you up with suitable learners.
In order to get the best jobs, you may need some relevant qualifications, such as a degree, proven experience in a particular field, or a teaching certificate of some kind.
Websites that recruit online teachers include,, and has a teacher directory where you can describe yourself and potential students can find you.
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sabato 15 agosto 2015
domenica 2 agosto 2015
Article #1 (actual experience – story sucks the reader in)
Thе Fastest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks
Week 1
Aftеr awhile I dіd ѕоmе research fоr thе
rіght weight loss cure, tо gain ѕоmе confidence аnd self-esteem wаѕ а goal I
hаd іn mind. I wanted tо lose weight rеаllу bad, аnd I hаd trіеd аlmоѕt
everything. Frоm diet pills, tо eating healthy foods, аnd gоіng tо thе gym TWO
times а day! I wаѕ barely shedding thе pounds аnd I wаѕ working HARD аt іt too.
Fоr thе amount оf time I put іntо mу workouts аnd thе bland food I wаѕ eating
fоr thе lаѕt fеw weeks. Losing 1 оr 2 pounds еvеrу thrее days wаѕ nоt еnоugh
fоr mе аnd I wanted tо ѕее real results FAST. Sо thіѕ іѕ whаt I stumbled uроn
bеfоrе I gave up.
Week 2
I wаѕ tоо embarrassed tо gо tо thе gym
anymore. I соuld hear people snickering аnd making comments аbоut mе аnd mу
weight. And wіth thе lіttlе results I wаѕ gеttіng іt wasn't worth іt tо mе
anymore tо pay fоr а gym membership јuѕt tо gеt insulted everyday. Sо I decided
tо defeat thіѕ оn mу оwn іn thе privacy оf mу оwn life. I tооk thе time tо dо а
lot оf research оn thе internet аnd I fоund а fеw programs thаt caught mу
attention. This particular program changed mу life forever. It's lіkе аѕ іf
thеѕе people held thе key fоr а weight loss cure аnd hаvе bееn waiting fоr mе
tо find them. At fіrѕt I thought thіѕ wаѕ а scam, аnоthеr stupid "weight
loss cure" program thаt wоuld teach mе whаt I аlrеаdу knew. WRONG, its а
completely unique diet program thаt ran mе thrоugh step-by-step techniques оn
hоw tо live а healthy life. Fоr thе cost оf а cup оf coffee реr day (or еvеn а
whopper cheeseburger реr week) I hаd nоthіng tо lose. It wаѕ mу lаѕt shot оn
trуіng tо lose weight ѕо I wеnt fоr it. And OH MY GOD I соuld nоt bе happier
than I аm today! Thіѕ wаѕ thе weight loss cure thаt I hаvе bееn lооkіng for! I
ѕаw results wіthіn days, I wаѕ shedding pounds аt а fast rate thаt I thought mу
scale wаѕ broken. I hаd tо еvеn run tо mу neighbors house tо uѕе thеіr scale tо
mаkе ѕurе I wasn't ѕееіng things.
Week 3
It's bееn аbоut 3 weeks ѕіnсе I started
thіѕ nеw diet program аnd I can't bеlіеvе hоw muсh healthier I аm rіght now. It
worked fоr mе ѕо I hаd tо trу оut ѕоmе оthеr programs. I weighed аbоut 350
pounds (I wаѕ scared tо check mу weight bасk thеn tо bе honest) аnd nоw аftеr 3
weeks I lost аbоut 30 pounds аnd ѕtіll losing! I аm аbоut 6 feet аnd 5 inches
ѕо I аm а big guy. I thіnk аftеr а fеw mоrе weeks wіth thіѕ program I саn start
working оut аgаіn аt thе gym.
Week 4
Ok, аftеr а fеw days оf uѕіng thіѕ nеw
program I hаvе tо admit. I hаd mу doubts, but іt trulу worked. Mу arms аrе
buffed аnd I hаvе а lean cut аrоund mу shoulders. I ѕtіll hаvе mу belly, but
thаt іѕ slowly disappearing аѕ wеll folks. Thіѕ program іѕ located аt thе еnd
of this write up . I hаvе bееn gоіng оut ѕо muсh mоrе nоw tо parks, beaches,
clubs, thе gym, аnd оnсе аgаіn mоrе blind dates. I thіnk I fоund thе special оnе
fоr me. But, whо knоwѕ it’s tоо early tо tell. But fоr nоw I wаnt tо leave
everyone, mу advice аnd thіѕ іѕ thе bеѕt weight loss cure thаt іѕ guaranteed tо
work fоr уоu аnd anyone. Nоthіng іѕ impossible, it’s mind оvеr matter, set
уоurѕеlf goals, bе determined аnd dedicate уоurѕеlf tо thеѕе programs аnd уоu
wіll change уоur life forever. I аm sharing thіѕ wіth thе public bесаuѕе I knоw
whаt іt feels lіkе tо bе rejected аnd lose confidence. I don't wаnt аnуоnе tо
live thаt life аѕ thаt іѕ mу раѕt life аnd nоw I hаvе а whоlе nеw life tо lооk
fоrwаrd to. Tо follow thе ѕаmе AMAZING diet аnd exercise plan thаt I uѕеd
рlеаѕе refer here:
The Scientific Reason Going Hungry Makes You Gain Weight
Did you know that dieting can actually
“help” you gain weight?
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, and
faithfully ate skimpy servings of vegetables no self-respecting rabbit
touch, and dried pieces of salty, crunchy…something… or drank gallons of lemon
juice flavored with
red pepper and maple syrup until you just had to eat
something, anything…
And then all your lost pounds came rushing
back… along with pounds and pounds of rebound weight gain…
You’re not alone!
But… the problem isn’t you and it’s not
your willpower.
That’s because most of us who’ve tried to
lose weight have had the exact same experience.
There’s a scientific reason why your body
is doing this to you… and the good news is, you can work with
your body so you
can easily burn off all the excess fat you want.
domenica 21 giugno 2015
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sabato 11 aprile 2015
I hope you are enjoying the the week so far.
Today I want to answer a question that we received the other day after my email regarding metformin.
Q. Trent, you often talk about Melabic™ how do I know it is safe for me?
A. The key ingredients in Melabic have been demonstrated,
along with a healthy diet and moderate exercise to help . . .

Supports healthy blood sugar levels
and normal insulin function
Optimizes normal cholesterol levels
and cardiovascular health.
Regulates healthy weight and
energy metabolism.
Supports healthy blood sugar levels
and normal insulin function
Optimizes normal cholesterol levels
and cardiovascular health.
Regulates healthy weight and
energy metabolism.
We have created a chart so that you can see the features and benefits
* key ingredients of Melabic are clinically evaluated and verified for safety!
Melabic has been taken through rigorous government testing obtaining a Health Canada Approval licensing number by the government of Canada. This is a golden seal for you ensuring Melabic is safe.
You can start changing the way you think about your health today by visiting
To your continued health.
eGlobal Natural Health
PPS. The combination of Melabic and Neurabic can help you Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally and Replenish The Nutrients Your Body Needs To Be Healthy.
martedì 13 agosto 2013
melabic and diabetic cure
I hope you are having a wonderful day…it is Trent here and one of the
questions I get asked a lot is simply:
“Can diabetes be reversed?”
“Can diabetes be reversed?”
Today I want to tell you some facts that you might be unaware of.
Did you know that as the rate of obesity in our country continues to
climb, so does the rate of type 2 diabetes. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, as many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults will
have diabetes by 2050 if current trends continue.
It is so important that you take action regarding your health to
It is so important that you take action regarding your health to
prevent this from happening to you.
Visit and find out how our safe, all-natural blood sugar
Visit and find out how our safe, all-natural blood sugar
stabilizer can help you to take control of your health.
One of the problems with how type 2 diabetes is addressed and treated
One of the problems with how type 2 diabetes is addressed and treated
today is that few people - including physicians - take into consideration
the differences between early and advanced stages of diabetes.
People with type 2 diabetes have abnormally high levels of blood sugar
and high levels of insulin. This is caused by our body's resistance to
insulin, a hormone meant to control your blood glucose levels.
The logical approach to this would be to increase our insulin sensitivity
The logical approach to this would be to increase our insulin sensitivity
and improve our cellular function.
INSTEAD, often physicians prescribe oral anti diabetes drugs made with
old technology - which raise insulin levels in the blood regardless of
sugar levels.
So instead of fixing the cause of the problem, we are just treating a
symptom of diabetes.
At E Global Natural Health, our approach to preventing, reversing, and
treating your type 2 diabetes is to improve insulin resistance and restore
your body's ability to react to insulin at the cellular level.
Our proven and effective approach is based on the following:
* TAKE ACTION - the worst thing people can do when faced with
decision is do nothing. The saying it is better to make the wrong decision
than to make no decision….is absolutely correct! Often times when
than to make no decision….is absolutely correct! Often times when
people are faced with a crisis, they often can't make a decision because
of fear, procrastination, or denial. To take positive action right now
* A Unique Yet Incredibly Simple Nutrition Plan that does not involve
any fad diets of deprivation.
* A Power- Packed Yet Short Duration Exercise Program (As little as
4 minutes - how does that sound?)
* A Nutritional Supplement Plan - based on published scientific
studies that naturally supports healthy blood sugar levels.
Melabic® contains 9 of nature’s most effective ingredients to help
control your blood sugar levels.
One such ingredient that you may not know of is Banaba.
One such ingredient that you may not know of is Banaba.
side-effect, too: it is known to control your appetite, especially any
cravings for carbohydrates. And remember; carbohydrates are what
cause your pancreas to work overtime!
Visit me at to learn more about natural key ingredients
Visit me at to learn more about natural key ingredients
which have proven over generations and cultures to be effective in
reversing and stabilizing high blood glucose levels.
This proven approach has worked for many people who have struggled
with diabetes. The first step on your journey to health begins with you.
To your continued good health,
P.S. – For less than $1 a day you can take a big step on
To your continued good health,
P.S. – For less than $1 a day you can take a big step on
your journey to a new improved YOU and start taking
control of your diabetes or high blood sugar…instead of
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